Dr. 科琳·梅里尔·布朗

Adjunct Professor Get Contact Info


商学院-兼职 Psychology 工商管理(MBA)


  • Ph.D. -领导学习和服务的进步-红衣主教斯特里奇大学 
  • 玛丽安大学组织领导理学硕士
  •  文学士-工商管理-莱克兰学院
  • 高级采购认证-通用电气
  • 项目管理硕士证书-威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校
  • 争议解决证书-威斯康星州调解中心     


  • 热衷于帮助他人获得成功;
    • 学术界-心理学, business and philosophy; Blends theory-based academics with real-world experience into a practical format for applicable career growth.
    • Business – Healthcare; IT procurement; contract management; supply chain/sourcing; grants; entrepreneurship; or mergers/acquisition (M&A) and divestiture. Highly organized, 希望利用在降低风险/暴露方面的专业知识,并具有跨组织所有级别工作的能力. 精通资源管理,确保项目按时/按预算完成. 
  • 在以下领域被公认为专家:
    • Educator – Psychology; leadership; diversity; business; philosophy
    • 全球采购-资讯科技采购
    • 供应链领导力发展计划-为行业研究和撰写剧本
    • 师徒关系——积极的业务支持者
    • IT采购-谈判代表在全球环境和政府中工作
    • 合同管理-所有方面


  • 马奎特大学商业导师计划
    • Dissertation - 幸存者作为领导者:从幸存者那里学到的关于生活质量的教训的解释性现象学分析 
  • Marian University
    • Thesis - 华盛顿高中合格教师招聘和保留的环境指标
  • 电子病历(EMR)                               
    • 主要谈判代表并起草了在密尔沃基县行为健康中心安装电子病历软件和托管的协议
  • Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A)                
    • 团队领导几个高知名度的M&A和衍生项目
  • 全球间接采购会议                                    
    • Quarterly training presentations to the Global IT Team on: Issues; Risk; Opportunities; and VCP (Variable Cost Productivity)
  • 技术讲座-新技术获取过程               
    • GE医疗集团全球IT年度报告
  • 通用电气公司软件治理委员会                       
    • 通用电气所有业务的全球小组成员-制定公司软件使用的指导方针和政策

Honors and Awards

  • GE Healthcare Crystal Award; Recognition for outstanding work performed with the GEHC Integration Team in the acquisition of a significant healthcare company
  • ABCD Mentorship Program Recognition Award recipient; After Breast Care Diagnosis Support Group (www.abcdbreastcancersupport.org)
  • Bud Larner Law Firm Software Seminars; Keys to Negotiating Better Software Agreements and Software-As-A-Service Agreements  
  • Advanced Sourcing Certification; GE Corporate/Louisville, Kentucky               
  • Advanced Project Management Masters Certification; University of Wisconsin-Madison       
  • Dispute Resolution Certification; Wisconsin Mediation Center; The Wisconsin Association of Mediators (WAM) seeks to promote and develop the use and practice of cooperative conflict resolution through mediation.
  • Activity Leader for GE Community Service Day; Annual volunteer work at public schools in Milwaukee
  • Software Asset Management Governance Council; GE Corporate & GE Healthcare; Member of the Global Software Asset Management Committee for GE Corporate & 医疗保健,以便围绕许可证的使用设置策略, 业务的遵从性和最佳实践示例.
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